St.Michael's School, Chandrapur - Official Website of Saint Michael's School Chandrapur


Naginabagh, Mission Compound, Chandrapur - 442 402 (M.S.)

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School Transfer Certificate

Principal’s Message

There is a saying that if schools care well for the children, they will farewell in life. The roles of schools and teachers have changed today, schools are homes away from home. Teachers are foster parents. There is a shift in focus in schooling, from delivering content to building capacity by developing generic skills of every learner, from “scholarship to relationship”. Hence, relationship which is conductive to learning is the agenda of my school.

I believe that not just a few children but every child is talented. For my schools, every child is important. Every child is human being first and a learner next. We must understand that learning can never take place in an emotion- neutral environment. Me and my teachers realize that children’s emotional and physical needs have to be fulfilled alongside cognitive needs.

Friends, today we live in an age of incredible change in every spare of life. In this changing scenario, the schools and teachers role become crucial. The school has to be continuously empowered :

Me and my school strongly believe that every child is talented and the intensity of talent may vary from individual to individual. School should develop and adopt strategies and techniques to awaken the latent potential in every child. In my school we are not putting education on students, we are drawing it out. We are drawing out shy students, allotting time and space for the introverts, and attending to weaker students, so that they can catch up with the rest. So caring for every child is at the heart of our schooling process. Here the heart comes first, followed by hand and then head.

My school provides all facilities that satisfy the physical, emotional and intellectual needs of children. I believe if India is to achieve a real breakthrough, all children must reach the levels of academic achievement of their requirement. Therefore a radical change is required in our thinking about teaching and learning. Me and my school are making humble efforts for it continuously.

Mission Statement

In the next three years, the school will strive hard to improve reading habits of students at all the stages by observing “Reading Weeks”, and also by providing them various extra reading material like magazines, books etc., beside an updated library and conducting various other reading related activities to draw out the full potential of every child.

St Michael CBSE School Principal
Mrs. Pranali Vikas Kolhekar